
So, the enemies are not 'placeholdetexture' now. They are good old white. This was what I was planning to do, but now I realize it doesn't look really okay. I found a new texture to try but it is not coming today.

Other than that, I added a particle for 'ball death', so they are not deleted from existence without anything happening, there is a small 'puff'. 

I also added a level screen which helps the player to understand that things are going to get harder...

Still, I don't have a progression menu, powerups or a high score list. 

Maybe I can add a timer at some point so people can now what to aim for.

Also having a 'You leveled up!' animation/title would be good.


xeeemv0.005.zip 19 MB
May 15, 2024

Get Bumpty Boom Boomface

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